Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Forehead lift

Plastic surgery can be done on just about every visible area of the body. The reason is usually due to a reconstructive necessity after an accident or for cosmetic purposes; with old age, a natural sagging process of the skin occurs because it loses elasticity. Many people desire to restore the skin’s elasticity through a procedure called a lift, which is done particularly on areas of the face: a brow lift, nose lift, face lift, etc. So, a forehead lift is not an unusual procedure to have done.

What is a Forehead Lift?
A forehead lift, sometimes referred to as a brow lift, is a procedure that restores the youthful look to the area above the eyes. It corrects drooping brows, along with eliminating the horizontal wrinkle lines that make a person look angry, tired, or sad. During the surgery, the muscles and tissues that cause the bagginess in that area are removed or altered to smooth the forehead, raise the eyebrows, and minimize the wrinkles.

Who is a Good Candidate?
You would be a good candidate for this procedure if you show the signs of aging on your face, as do many people. Additionally, some individuals just have an inherited low brow line and may wish to have it altered for aesthetic purposes. Those who have deep frown lines due to stress or over activity of the muscles would also benefit from a forehead lift.

The Procedure

There is always a consultation with the physician (you should always pick a trusted physician) before the surgery. During this time, the surgeon will perform a physical examination and get a  medical history. The physical exam will include the assessment of your facial bone structure, underlying skin structure, brow position, eyelid and eye aesthetics, skin thickness, skin texture, and skin elasticity. Then, the surgery will be discussed along with the goals of the procedure. You will be asked to stop smoking for a few weeks in advance of the surgery date, and to stop taking a group of over-the-counter medications, called NSAIDs (like ibuprofen, Advil, and Motrin), as well as some vitamins. You may want to grow your hair out so it is long enough to cover the incision site(s). You will need a driver.

The surgery can be performed on an inpatient or outpatient basis. On the day of surgery, you will be given medications and anesthesia to make you more comfortable. There are a lot of techniques to choose from while doing a forehead lift surgery; the technique will depend on the results of the individual’s assessment. However, they all involve incisions in the hair-bearing scalp; occasionally incisions might be made in the forehead and/or the upper eyelids. After the incisions are made, the degree to which the skin and muscles are manipulated depends on the technique chosen. Ultimately, the deep layers of the forehead are lifted. The skin and deep layers that were moved are often fixed, or attached, to the bone. The soft tissues are tightened and the forehead will have a more youthful appearance.

Immediately after surgery you will be taken into a recovery area with a bandage around your head; there may be tubes to drain any excess fluids. Aside from that day, recovery time will vary. Elevating the head will be very helpful to prevent swelling; you may also find it helpful to use ice packs every couple hours to reduce this swelling. After the head dressings are removed, there will be discoloration and puffiness; the swelling will last approximately 48 hours. The bruising should disappear within 2 weeks. There may be numbness in the forehead area for several months. Straining, bending, and lifting should be avoided until your doctor says otherwise. It may take 6 months for the scars to disappear.

The Results
The results of the surgery will be very subtle or very dramatic, depending on your goals and your prior appearance. Minor changes may continue to be noticeable for months after the surgery, until all of the swelling goes down.

Risks and Side Effects
The side effects of this surgery are: difficulty raising the eyebrows, visibility of the scar, hair loss along the scar edges (which can be restored), hematoma (collection of blood), infection, reaction to anesthesia, and injury to underlying structures (which is temporary and rare).

Generally, since this is an elective procedure, the cost is definitely something to think about; however, they depend on the surgeon’s experience and the geographic location. Altogether, there will be a surgeon’s professional fee, facility fee, anesthesia fee, medication fee, surgical garments fee, and a medical tests fee. Insurance will probably not cover this cosmetic procedure. You can always talk with the facility or the surgeon to set up a payment plan.

"Forehead lift" is Posted by iHealth on Oct 3rd, 2010 and filed under Medical Treatment. You can add more information by filling following comment form.

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